America's out-of-control military is the problem. Be a part of the solution!

The Peace Dividend strategy is how we rein in the defense department, hold our war mongering politicians accountable, and get a Peace Dividend refund of $25,029 payable to each and every citizen of the U.S.

Yes, we have a plan. And we want YOU to be part of it!

1992 . . . The Promise

1992 . . . The Promise
With the USSR gone and the cold war over, optimism about the future filled the air. Peace would break out all over. The U.S. could dedicate its resources to improving the lives of everyday Americans. Better schools, parks, communities. A renewal of the American Dream would be funded by a "peace dividend".

Defense Budgets

Defense Budgets
Since 1992, 25 of 33 annual defense budgets have increased significantly. This year's "official" defense budget is more than double what it was in 2000. The U.S. now spends more on preparation for war than the next ten countries combined, and most of them are NATO allies.

DOD Waste

DOD Waste
The amount of military waste is mind-boggling. By its own admission, the DOD can't account for $8.5 trillion allocated to the military since 1996. Though required by law, the DOD has never passed an audit, and continues to use U.S. taxpayers as a limitless ATM machine.

Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine

Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine
The wars in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine have cost over $8 trillion. Hundreds of thousands of foreign troops, tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and over 11,000 U.S. combatants have been killed.

Endless War

Endless War
America has been at war for 228 of its 245-year history. With FONOPS in the South China Sea, the arming of Ukraine, provocative NATO war games, and demonization of Russia and China, there's no end in sight.

The Peace Dividend

The Peace Dividend
The Peace Dividend refund of tax payer money comes to $25,029 for each and every U.S. citizen. For a family of four, this is over $100,000 due from the U.S. Treasury, paid out over four years at $25,029 per year.

Only vote for Peace Dividend candidates!

Only vote for Peace Dividend candidates!
Out with the pay-for-play elected officials, who only serve the war industry. In with candidates who'll truly represent the people and put an end to the military madness!

Join us . . . for peace!

Join us . . . for peace!
Become a Peace Dividend activist. Let's turn our country around, end the endless wars, give a voice to everyday citizens, help make the Peace Dividend refund a reality.

War Is Making Us Poor!

War Is Making Us Poor!
War is bankrupting the U.S. economically, socially, politically, and spiritually. It is stealing money our of our pockets, and stealing the future from our children.