Peace Dividend Movie: Basic Script Outline – Part 2

The film consists of a brief introduction and four parts. INTRODUCTION The Glory of War vs. The Gore of War: Quick-cut montage, contrasting the superficial Hollywood optics about the heroics of war with the reality: maimed and killed soldiers, homeless and drug-addicted veterans, victims of war-related PTSD, suicide. PART I…

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Peace Dividend Movie: Celebrity Narrators

The Peace Dividend movie is intended for the big screen, as a major national release, an experience for the entire viewing public. If there’s a model for the style and mood, it would be any of Michael Moore’s more successful films, for example, Fahrenheit 9/11 or Bowling For Columbine. Only…

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Peace Dividend Movie: Experts and Activists

We’ve been very busy reaching out to some of the most respected individuals currently speaking out on behalf of peace. While the Peace Dividend film will present the spectacle of war as never seen before – the death, destruction, and callous inhumanity inflicted both on the battlefield and right here…

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Peace Dividend Movie

What better way is there to present the Peace Dividend concept to everyday citizens across the nation than a full-length feature movie? We have a team working on a basic script outline right now. We are putting feelers out to professors, political experts, journalists, prominent activists, to appear and offer…

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More Bases More Bombs More Wars

They say things have to get worse before they get better. But how much worse can the U.S. and the world tolerate? Driven purely by institutional self-preservation and relentless pursuit of profits by the military-industrial-complex, the cancer of American military presence continues to metastasize unchecked across the planet.  Not satisfied…

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