‘Guns Should Not Be In The Hands Of The Mentally Unstable,’ Says Senile Man With Nukes

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A senile old man in Washington who has a deadly nuclear arsenal at his fingertips is calling for dangerous weapons to be taken out of the hands of the mentally unstable. “Listen, folks, this shouldn’t be difficult,” said the yammering old geriatric to a duck in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting…

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Recent Review of “The Book”

Amazon Review:  Even more relevant today in 2022 than it was when it was published in 2016! “This is a fast, gripping, and eye-opening read. I finished it in one sitting. The whole time I was reading, I had to keep reminding myself that this book was published six years ago,…

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January 6 Gave Revolution A Bad Name

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Likewise, an incompetent, historically ignorant, politically naive, diplomatically challenged, shallow, impulsive, narcissistic reality show host elected by a conned citizenry to the highest office in the land can occasionally get a few things right as well. I won’t get into a…

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