Col. Larry Wilkerson Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Colonel Larry Wilkerson for his current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the…

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Joe Lombardo Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Joe Lombardo for his most current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the…

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Give peace a chance? It’s entirely up to us!

Most folks are too busy and simply would not understand what I’m about to say. But you’re aware, you’re concerned about our future, and you hate war. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be on this website, which is 110% about stopping the war machine and throwing the warmongers out of power. We…

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Recent Review of “The Book”

Amazon Review:  Even more relevant today in 2022 than it was when it was published in 2016! “This is a fast, gripping, and eye-opening read. I finished it in one sitting. The whole time I was reading, I had to keep reminding myself that this book was published six years ago,…

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January 6 Gave Revolution A Bad Name

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Likewise, an incompetent, historically ignorant, politically naive, diplomatically challenged, shallow, impulsive, narcissistic reality show host elected by a conned citizenry to the highest office in the land can occasionally get a few things right as well. I won’t get into a…

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