Finian Cunningham: U.S.-Led NATO Is at War Against Russia

We are now in the realm of World War Three. The abysmal situation is such that the war is in danger of going nuclear in which case the future of the planet is at stake. Incredibly, to warn of this danger leaves a person open to the accusation that they…

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Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law

[ After reading this excellent analysis, you may want to look at our recent video interview of Dan Kovalik. It’s short but extremely insightful and thought provoking . . . Dan Kovalik Interview October 27, 2022 ] Dan Kovalik teaches Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law,…

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Recent Review of “The Book”

Amazon Review:  Even more relevant today in 2022 than it was when it was published in 2016! “This is a fast, gripping, and eye-opening read. I finished it in one sitting. The whole time I was reading, I had to keep reminding myself that this book was published six years ago,…

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People Power: The Only Possible Path to Peace

Here’s the premise. If anyone can find a flaw in this logic, please let me know . . . • The majority of US citizens want an end to war and reduced military spending. • The defense budget can and must come way down. • The DOD is not going to defund itself. • Congress…

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Regime Change: Up Close and Personal

Let me start out by openly and unequivocally stating that most of the individuals who are in the decision-making and decision-influencing positions which determine U.S. foreign policy and drive it’s recklessness are a truly shameful bunch.  They are morally bankrupt, ignorant, myopic, barbaric, drunk on power, and as far as…

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Distract and Divide . . . Focus and Unite

Distractions divide us and guarantee we’ll never talk about essential core challenges. The egregious, central obstacles to “promoting the general welfare” are never mentioned by the talking heads, the pundits or politicians, to whom we look for guidance and leadership. Distract and divide promises catastrophe, even to those who use…

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The Never Ending Cycle of Nuclear Insanity

Amidst all of the sensible and sane cries to eliminate nuclear weapons, we are caught in a self-sustaining, self-reinforcing feedback loop. Call it the Death Spiral of Human Annihilation. Yes, the U.S. throughout its history, despite official denials even among historians who should know better — maybe they do but…

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Trust Our Brilliant Leaders? Are You Joking?

We are now being treated to a predictable deluge of hand-wringing, grandstanding, virtue signaling, gaslighting, hysteria, pontificating and snide told-you-so commentary, most of it stating the obvious, most of it just repeating what we’ve known all along. Attacking Afghanistan was a big mistake. What a disaster! What an embarrassment! Our…

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Bertrand Russell and Ban the Bomb

It’s so long ago, I can’t remember how it came to my attention. I was 13 years old and no one in my family or anyone in the blue collar community we lived in had a clue who Bertrand Russell was or why he was taking on the military and political establishments…

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