Michael T. Klare Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy
Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Michael T. Klare for his current thoughts.
Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Michael T. Klare for his current thoughts.
We are not at the 1-year anniversary of the war, as the Western governments and media claim. This is the 9-year anniversary of the war. And that makes a big difference. The war began with the violent overthrow of Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014, a coup that was overtly…
Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian Federation on Tuesday February 21, 2023. We are well-advised to know what he said.
The U.S. talks openly and cavalierly about the coming war with China. China’s patience and willingness to look the other way, bear the insults and intimidation have come to an end. Again, out of the fabric of potential peace, the U.S. warmongers have fashioned a cloth which promises and invites chaos, death, destruction, war. The citizens of America must wake up. Nothing good can come of our current posturing and direction.
In the Christian faith, God comes in the form of three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Together, these three beings form the Trinity. In a recent interview with the German writer Fabian Scheidler, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh discussed his bombshell article that appeared in his inaugural…
John Rachel of the Peace Dividend initiative interviews Matthew Hoh, peace activist and candidate for the U.S. Senate.
[ Note: Scott was going to speak at the Rage against the War Machine rally, scheduled for Feb 19th at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, D.C. For personal reasons, he will not be appearing. Being familiar with the principal figures organizing the event leads me to suspect petty politics prompted Scott’s…
Margaret Kimberley is Executive Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report. Her book, Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents was published in 2020 by Steerforth Press. She is a recipient of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromising Integrity in Journalism, and the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press’ 2021 Women in Media Award. And…
William J. Astore is a retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel, has taught at the Air Force Academy and Naval Postgraduate School, and now teaches history at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. He’s a senior fellow at the Eisenhower Media Network (EMN), an organization of critical veteran military and national…