John Mearsheimer: Is China the Real Winner of Ukraine War? | Endgame Luminaries

“I think the situation we face today in the world is much more dangerous than it was during the Cold War,” warns political realist John J. Mearsheimer. John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell…

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Ed Rampell of Truthdig Interviews Cornell West

[ This interview originally appeared at Truthdig November 2, 2023. ] ‘​What Does One Do When Both Options Are Catastrophic?’: An Interview With Cornel West Author, academic and public intellectual Dr. Cornel West has long been a fiery fixture of America’s political discourse. Proselytizing and pronouncing in the Biblical prophetic…

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Vladimir Putin’s 2023 Speech at Valdai

[ What follows is the entire text of Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi. ] Participants in the plenary session, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome you all in Sochi at the anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. The moderator has already mentioned that this is…

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Class traitors: Western progressives have abandoned the people to fuel NATO’s carnage by Denis Rogatyuk

After the breakout of the First World War, the Second International and the numerous socialist organizations affiliated with it across Western Europe threw their weight behind their governments’ new military adventurism and became completely oblivious to the suffering of their fellow man at the hands of their countries’ economic and political…

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Former CIA Spy on Ukraine War: Ray McGovern Full Interview

Absolutely fascinating, incisive interview of Ray McGovern, a solid source of accurate information and profound insights into the machinations of the security agencies and pitfalls of our foreign policy.

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Scott Ritter: How Americans Fell for Washington’s ‘War Racket’

Smedley Butler, a two-time recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor and former US Marine Corps major general, famously observed that “war is a racket.” Speaking about his 33 years in the service of his nation, Butler noted that he “spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man…

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William J. Astore: Enough Is Enough

February 19th was the Rage Against the War Machine rally in DC.  That just so happens to be my dad’s birthday as well.  He was born on that date in 1917, endured the Great Depression, worked in the Civilian Conservation Corps and in factories until being drafted in 1942, and after…

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“US Hegemony and Its Perils” by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People’s Republic of China

The U.S. talks openly and cavalierly about the coming war with China. China’s patience and willingness to look the other way, bear the insults and intimidation have come to an end. Again, out of the fabric of potential peace, the U.S. warmongers have fashioned a cloth which promises and invites chaos, death, destruction, war. The citizens of America must wake up. Nothing good can come of our current posturing and direction.

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Matthew Hoh Interview (Video): An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

John Rachel of the Peace Dividend initiative interviews Matthew Hoh, peace activist and candidate for the U.S. Senate.

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