Peace Dividend Movie: Basic Script Outline – Part 2

The film consists of a brief introduction and four parts.


The Glory of War vs. The Gore of War: Quick-cut montage, contrasting the superficial Hollywood optics about the heroics of war with the reality: maimed and killed soldiers, homeless and drug-addicted veterans, victims of war-related PTSD, suicide.


Lies Lies More Lies: The Endless Unnecessary Wars. Why is the U.S. always at war? Why do we have so many enemies? Seven decades of lies, of manufacturing enemies: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya. Now Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, China. The military-industrial complex produces profits for the rich. Death for the poor. Mansions for the wealthy. Body bags, wheel chairs, mental hospitals for our soldiers.


War Is Making Us Poor! What do our weapons cost? What do our wars cost? An honest look at the state of our families, our schools, our communities, our nation. We intimidate, occupy, destroy other nations using trillions and trillions of taxpayer dollars, then neglect the country we are supposedly defending. U.S. military isn’t defensive. It’s offensive and being deployed to reign over the entire globe. Did we citizens vote for this? Did we the people decide to be the world’s policeman? Did the people choose to become an empire?


Greatest Rip-Off in the History of the World! What happened the “peace dividend” promised us in 1992. What does $6 trillion look like? The staggering waste of our DOD spending, our security agencies, our bloated war industries. Useless military junk. Unnecessary wars of aggression. The war on terrorism. Regime change wars. Now the wars have come home. We have a war on families. A war on communities. A war on schools and towns and cities. A war on the truth. A deliberate fraud has been perpetrated on the public over the past 28 years. The biggest con job in history! Our money has been stolen and turned into profits for the war industry, Wall Street, hedge funds, the already incomprehensibly wealthy. We want our money back. We demand our money back!


People Power! Who does America belong to? Are we not a democracy of the people, by the people, for the people? For 28 years the military machine has stolen our tax dollars under false pretenses and squandered it. Enough! It’s time to take that money back, rebuild our lives, rebuild the economy. Yes, we can afford it. Yes, we can still have a strong military which is more than capable of defending us. Yes, we can finally start being respected and admired across the planet. Yes, we can finally have a world at peace!

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