Peace Dividend Movie: Basic Script Outline – Part 4

FINALLY, WE’LL SEE UP CLOSE WHAT $6+ TRILLION DOLLARS LOOKS LIKE! Using CGI, we’ll fly a helicopter around the six “trillion dollar buildings” in the graphic on the first page of this outline. Maybe we won’t say exactly what we’re seeing at first, allowing the drama and awe to build.…

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Peace Dividend Movie: Basic Script Outline – Part 3

How can we make this a game-changing, paradigm-shifting movie? The Peace Dividend film will overwhelmingly and convincingly lay bare the devastating domestic consequences of our out-of-control military, perpetual war, the War On Terror, and the delusions of world empire which have gripped our power-drunk political leaders. “WAR IS MAKING YOU…

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Peace Dividend Movie: Basic Script Outline – Part 2

The film consists of a brief introduction and four parts. INTRODUCTION The Glory of War vs. The Gore of War: Quick-cut montage, contrasting the superficial Hollywood optics about the heroics of war with the reality: maimed and killed soldiers, homeless and drug-addicted veterans, victims of war-related PTSD, suicide. PART I…

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Peace Dividend Movie

What better way is there to present the Peace Dividend concept to everyday citizens across the nation than a full-length feature movie? We have a team working on a basic script outline right now. We are putting feelers out to professors, political experts, journalists, prominent activists, to appear and offer…

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